School Cabinet Message

Head Girl Message

“Duty is the silent cornerstone upon which greatness is built and our commitment to it is a testament to our reverence for our responsibilities.”

As I reflect on my journey from a timid observer to a confident leader, I am deeply indebted to the nurturing environment of our beloved school. On behalf of all the office bearers, I extend heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed Manager, Respected Sister Roshini, Principal, Respected Sister Prabha, Head Mistress, Respected Sister Renu and our dedicated teachers. Their unwavering support and belief in our abilities has entrusted us with the honour of leading the school.

St. Mary's Convent High School stands asymbol of devotion, relentless determinationand profound conviction. Here, education transcends the mere acquisition of knowledge; it is a journey of personal and moral growth. It is in these halls that we not only sharpen our minds but also cultivate the values that define us as compassionate and responsible individuals.

I firmly believe that within the heart of every St. Marian lies the resilience to surmount any obstacle. Together, as a united force, we pledge to uphold the dignity of our school and propel it to new heights of excellence.

With steadfast resolve and sincerity, we embark on this journey, knowing that each step we take is a tribute to the principles upon which our school stands.

Siddhi Gupta
(Head Girl)

of St Mary’s Convent High School, Kanpur

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